Dear Alumni and friends of 180 DC Berlin, We hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the spring weather! Our consulting semester has just finished, and we’re excited to share with you some updates about our branch.
Social Entrepreneurship Panel We would like to invite you to our Social Entrepreneurship Panel on March 24, 7 p.m. (that’s this Wednesday)! The Social Entrepreneurship Panel brings together stakeholders of the social entrepreneurship world to discuss pressing topics. We will revisit what happened during the last year which was greatly shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. Certain industries might enjoy prominent press coverage providing us with almost real-time overviews of their development or e.g. financial policies made in order to balance out the economic effects of worldwide lockdowns. But how are social enterprises, their causes and volunteers, and, above all, we all as a society doing right now? Our panelists include Katja Urbatsch, Founder and Managing director of, Björn Lampe, a member of the board of, Caro Orrego, representing 180 DC Berlin. Our moderator is David J. Berkes, alumnus of 180 DC Berlin and business development teammate at the Berlin startup Raisin. You can join via this Zoom link:
Final Event
Our final event concluded the semester last week, with highly professional presentations by each of our consulting teams. 60 attendees joined us in hearing about the challenges, methods, and recommendations being delivered to our project partners. We heard nothing but gratitude and excitement from our partners, and we are so proud of the work the consultants have done!!
When asked, consultants submitted their personal highlights of their 180DC journey -- you can see the results below. This is why we are here! If you’d like to hear more details about the team’s final results, please reach out! Members of the teams can then be directly in touch with you.
Applications for Summer Semester 2021 are OPEN! Applications are still open to join the executive team as a Marketing Manager! As a Marketing Manager, you will be responsible for all aspects of our marketing operations, including designing posts for our social media accounts and taking ownership of our website. Your central goal is to help plan and manage marketing initiatives that promote 180 DC and to contribute significantly to the visibility of our branch. You will have the opportunity to be the mouthpiece of 180 Degrees Consulting Berlin, thus responsible for our image and communication.
Applications for consultants and design thinking coaches are also open, please direct your networks to our website for more information!
Calling New and Old Alumni! We are glad to have you in our network. Are you part of our Alumni Facebook group yet? Join us here to share and receive updates, job postings, and invitations to interesting events!
Have you completed the Alumni survey yet? This is how we maintain contact with you and network in the future -- please complete it here.
As always, please ensure you are following our branch on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, you’ll be able to see highlights of our workshops and members of each consulting team!
Thank you for your continued support of our program! Sincerely, The 180 DC Winter 2020/2021 Semester Executive Team